Legal Interact’s Premier AI Lab Pioneers AI-Driven Legal Solutions

Johannesburg, Monday 16 October 2023Legal Interact has unveiled AI Lab: a premier hub of innovation and technological progress within the legal domain. The lab is dedicated to exploring the transformative potential of artificial intelligence, with the aim of democratizing legal services.

The product was launched in the first of a series of webinars, where attendees were among the first to explore the capabilities of the AI Lab, from sharing leading-edge ideas and innovations, to thought-collaboration with industry experts, emersion into a wide array pertinent and practical topics, product discussions, and live Q&A, all within the realm of AI supporting and revolutionising the legal field itself, and piercing access to legal knowledge and assistance like never seen before.

This initiative marked a new epoch in legal services, transcending geographical boundaries.

The event highlighted how AI is reshaping the legal landscape globally, with a spotlight on AI in Africa. The discussions provided a roadmap for those at the intersection of law and technology.

Director of Legal Interact, Raphael Segal,  Anthony Delport in Legal Software Implementation; and Data Scientist and AI Researcher Andrew Laidley, shared insights into AI developments. They delved into handling unstructured and structured documents, speech-to-text technology, Legal&Tax AI Lawyer, Invoice Ingestion, and Translation Services, showcasing Legal Interact’s pioneering journey.

Attendees learned how AI is democratizing legal advice and services, fostering a more accessible and affordable legal landscape for all.

Exclusive opportunities were offered to experience the cutting-edge legal tech solutions firsthand, marking a step into the forefront of legal tech innovation.

Attendees left with practical knowledge and strategies to leverage AI in their legal endeavours, paving the way for a more informed engagement within the legal realm.

The unveiling at Legal Interact’s AI Lab was a monumental step towards redefining the legal industry, marking an exciting journey into the future of legal technology.

You can join us for our upcoming webinars here for a more in-depth look into our use of AI in our newest solution,  Contract Corridor:

About Legal Interact:

Legal Interact is committed to delivering innovative AI-based solutions, propelling the legal industry into a new dimension of accessibility, affordability, and excellence.

For more details, please reach out to:
Leah Molatseli
Head of Business Development
+27 11 719 2144