Digitizing Legal Teams

Digitising the Legal Intake Process: Empowering Your Business

Enterprise Legal Management systems have revolutionised the way businesses handle legal matters, by providing a platform for digitising the legal intake process.

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By digitising the legal intake process of capturing and managing legal matters, businesses can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their legal teams, and better meet the needs of their clients and stakeholders. Here are some key benefits of digitising the legal intake process:

Improved Efficiency

Digitising the legal intake process can reduce the amount of time and resources required to manage legal matters, by automating administrative tasks and streamlining communication between the legal team and other departments.

Better Data Management

A digitised legal intake process provides a secure and confidential way to store and retrieve legal documents and other important information, making it easier to manage and track legal matters.

Enhanced Collaboration

By integrating the legal intake process with other systems and processes within the business, legal teams can improve communication and collaboration with other departments, such as HR, finance, and operations.

Compliance and Risk Management

A digitised legal intake process can help businesses comply with company standards and regulations, and better manage potential risks and liabilities associated with legal matters.

Improved Client Experience

By providing efficient and effective communication channels, such as email, phone, and video conferencing, legal teams can provide a better experience for their clients and stakeholders and build stronger relationships.

Now that we have talked about the value that digitising the legal process brings, the portal should have the following key functions:

Request Submission

The portal should have a user-friendly interface for clients and stakeholders to submit legal requests and for legal teams to manage and track these requests from intake to resolution. The interface should allow the upload of relevant documents such as contracts and legal agreements and provide space for additional details about the request.

Communication Management

The portal should offer a secure and confidential platform for legal teams to communicate with clients, stakeholders, and other departments and to share information and documents. This can include email, phone, and video conferencing functionality.

Data Management

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The portal should have a secure and confidential location for storing and retrieving legal documents, information, and other data related to legal requests. This can help legal teams manage legal matters more effectively and ensure easy access to information when required.

Reporting and Analytics

The portal should have a suite of reporting and analytics tools to help legal teams monitor the volume, type, and outcome of legal requests and identify trends and patterns. This information can inform decision-making and drive the optimisation of legal operations.

Workflow Managemen

The portal should have a flexible and configurable workflow management system, allowing legal teams to define and manage the process for handling legal requests from intake to resolution. This can streamline operations, reduce time and resources, and improve the quality of services.

Security and Access Control

The portal should have robust security and access control measures to ensure confidentiality and protection of sensitive data. This can include secure data storage, user authentication and authorisation, and data backup and recovery.

Collecting requests digitally enables the platform so that in the future one could expect that a person who is on the Self Service portal to be able to ask a question of the system and get a relevant “location” specific answer, based on previous matters and real outcomes which could act as a guideline or suggest a specific set of steps to take.

Interested to find out more? Reach out to one of our experts on +27 11 719 2000, mail us on in**@le***********.com or use this link to book time during a convenient time to you.